Microcurrent Fiction
​Practitioners need to be aware of "creative advertising" on the internet regarding cosmetic benefits of a microcurrent treatment. Professionals would be wise to ask for studies regarding dubious claims as demand for microcurrent continues to soar. It is essential that the
client has clear expectations regarding results and understands that a microcurrent facial
treatment is not a substitute for cosmetic surgery.
Microcurrent is not a "Workout for the Face," nor can you "Take Your Face To the Gym With Microcurrent." Cosmetic results are based on practitioner-client
observation and not scientific rigor.
Reduce Hyperpigmentation
A common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin become darker that normal Certification and a certificate of completion are two very different types of recognition with substantial differences.surrounding skin.
Reduce or Tighten Enlarged Pores
Enlarged pores or depressions in the facial skin surface that contain one or more openings to the ducts carrying sweat and oil from their respective glands.
Eliminate Jowls
Fat pads originally situated higher in the cheek.
Eliminate Eye Bags
Accumulation of fat, pools of fluid and loose skin.
Eliminate Dark Circles
Aging, genetics, fatigue can cause dark circles under the eyes. It may also be caused by a medical problem.
Reduce Deep Lines and Depressions
Commonly due to aging, sun damage or repetition of facial expressions. .
Aid in Skin Exfoliation
Peeling of the skin in flakes or scales.
Reduce Cellulite
Fat deposits causing a dimpled and uneven appearance.
Reduce Stretch Marks
Marks that develop when skin is stretched over a long period of time.